8 hours performance Untitled at Spacex Gallery, Exeter, England 2012
In the space on the floor is what looks like a school table but it has three long legs and one little one. The table is much higher than a normal school table. An English dictionary and black top I also in the space. He walks into the space and picks up the table and balances the smaller leg into his right ear and then he starts walking around in a clockwise direction keeping the forth leg into his ear and at the same time writing on his left arm and hand the words (open, opens, opened, opening, openness). After covering the whole lower arm and hand he starts again going over the first layer of words. All the time walking around in a clockwise direction for the whole 8 hours.
Photograph by John Melville
Installation views, of art exhibition in The Work Between The Lines at Spacex Gallery Exeter, UK 2012
Installation views, of art exhibition in The Work Between The Lines at Spacex Gallery Exeter, UK 2012
Photograph by Boris Nieslony and Linn Heimlich Pedersen
4 Untitled 3 hours performances Be Captivated! at Live Art Festival, Bergen, Norway, in former Bergen County Jail 2011
He walks into an abandoned prison cell and standing on a 3 legged chair made by the artist. Then he looks at the light bulb and then he starts counting until losing count and then start at the beginning. he does this for the whole 3 hours performance.
He walks into an abandoned prison cell and sit on a 3 legged chair made by the artist and holding a blank piece of paper above shoulder height for the whole 3 hours performance.
4 Untitled 3 hours performances Be Captivated! at Live Art Festival, Bergen, Norway, in former Bergen County Jail 2011
He walks into an abandoned prison cell and standing on a 3 legged chair made by the artist. Then he looks at the light bulb and then he starts counting until losing count and then start at the beginning. he does this for the whole 3 hours performance.
He walks into an abandoned prison cell and sit on a 3 legged chair made by the artist and holding a blank piece of paper above shoulder height for the whole 3 hours performance.
Installation views, of art exhibition, at Galleria Aarni, Espoo, Finland.
Blank Page 2009-2010 aluminium sheet, PVA glue and white epoxy paint.
Drawing from my experience of being confronted by the blank white page whilst attempting to write the all- important artist statement.
Installation views, of art exhibition, at Galleria Aarni, Espoo, Finland.
ART IS ART 5 x 120cm by 80cm, 4 x 80cm by 120cm aluminium sheets with black board paint.
ART IS ART tests the validity of the question ‘What is art?’ When we invest so much time and value into the process of thinking and making the artwork and the only result seen is the art work. I have no answers as to what art is - I only have questions because art is everything and nothing - and everyone has their own interpretation.
8 hours performance ART TRA at TRACE: Artspace, Cardiff, Wales, UK 2008
ART TRA A Performance by John Court The performance takes place within the confines of a 240 cm x 500 cm raised platform. I spend the whole 8 hours performance writing on the platform on my knees. I write with my left hand - the opposite hand than I normally use to write. My every day writing hand is immobilized behind my back. I write from right to left, and then left to right, and therefore I am always writing as I am moving. When I finish one layer of writing, I do another layer. Over the time, I cover the platform with linear layers of writing, It all started when I made a statement about my art work, and then proceeded to dissect the statement so I had a number of individual words. The words are separated out and placed at random. I consider each word as an individual concept in art. I visualize the word then I write it down with my opposite writing hand. I do this because I feel we are so judged by what we say in art - and by dissecting my own art statement, and using the words at random, I am making my own philosophical statement about the validity and weight of those ideas.
Installation views, of art exhibition at Jyäskylä Art Museum, Finland 2008
Untitled 2006-2008 Size A0 77cm by 112cm Materials Used : paper, pencil, PVA glue, aluminium leaf and graphite.
6 hour performance Marking Space Amos Andersson Art Museum in Helsinki Finland 2005
On top of the artists mounting paper 320cm by 330cm is 2000 leads of pencils. have spread 2000 pencils over the mounting paper.. Using my whole body within the time and space the lead comes more and more in contact with the paper and my body. At the end of the performance a recording of the movement will remain on paper. The basic idea for this work was provoked by my experiences while making my drawings, which often take around 6 months to complete.