Photograph by Joakim Stampe
4 hours performance Untitled in Live Time Gothenburg Sweden on Friday 18 August 2016 at 2pm to 6pm
4 hours performance Untitled in Live Time Gothenburg Sweden on Saturday 19 August 2016 at 2pm to 6pm
Day 1
He starts pushing a pre-built object which is based on a children’s funnel climbing frame which is covered in dates and times on how many people had died and were born at a certain time. The performance happens in a children’s festival in a park in the centre of Gothenburg city. He pushes the object in a anticlockwise direction for 4 hours.
Day 2
He pushes the same object in the same place in a clockwise direction for 4 hours.
Day 3
He pushes the same object in a clockwise direction in Trollhättan town centre for 3 hours.